
How to treat if dog bite is by another dog

It’s not uncommon for dogs to get into fights with other dogs – especially if they’re not properly socialized. And while most dog owners are aware that their pet could potentially get hurt in such a scuffle, they may not know what to do if their dog is the one who ends up getting bit. If another dog has bitten, it’s important to act quickly and seek medical attention for your pet if necessary. But first, you’ll need to assess the situation and determine how serious the bite is. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to treat a dog bite, depending on its severity.

What to do if your dog gets bit by another dog

  • If another dog has bitten your dog, you should first clean the wound with warm water and soap. You may also need to apply a sterile adhesive bandage or wrap.
  • You must apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth if the bite is bleeding heavily. If the bleeding does not stop or is spurting, you will need to take your dog to the vet immediately.
  • If the bite is not bleeding heavily, you will still need to keep an eye on it for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice these signs, take your dog to the vet immediately.
  • In either case, make sure to get the contact information of the other dog’s owner so that you can follow up with them about their animal’s vaccination history and whether they are up to date on their rabies shots.

How to tell if your dog needs medical attention

If you think another dog has bitten your dog, it is important to seek medical attention for your pet as soon as possible. There are a few things you can look for to determine if your dog needs to see a veterinarian:

  • If the wound is bleeding heavily or if bone or muscle is exposed, this is an emergency, and you should immediately take your dog to the nearest animal hospital.
  • If the wound is not bleeding heavily but is still open and oozing, this requires prompt medical attention, and you should take your dog to the vet within 24 hours.
  • If the wound has closed up, but there is swelling and/or redness around it, have your dog seen by a vet within 48 hours.
  • If your dog is acting differently than normal (lethargic, not eating, etc.), this could be a sign that something more serious is happening, and you should take them to the vet for an examination.

What to do if your dog is bleeding

If your dog is bleeding, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. If the bleeding is from a large wound, you can try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure with a clean cloth. If the bleeding is from a small wound, you can try to stop the bleeding by using a styptic pencil or powder.

How to clean and disinfect a wound

If another dog has bitten your dog, it’s important to clean and disinfect the wound as soon as possible. Here’s how:

  1. Start by cleansing the wound with warm water and mild soap. Be sure to rinse all of the soap off.
  2. Apply a disinfectant to the wound. Many products are available on the market, so consult your veterinarian for guidance on which one to use.
  3. Once the wound is clean and disinfected, apply a bandage or wrap to protect it from further contamination.
  4. Monitor the wound closely for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice any of these, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

How to prevent your dog from getting bitten in the future

The best way to prevent your dog from getting bitten in the future is to socialize with them as much as possible. This means exposing them to different types of people and animals in various environments so they can learn how to interact properly. It’s also important to keep up with their vaccinations and have them spayed or neutered, so they’re less likely to become aggressive. If you encounter another dog that seems aggressive, avoid eye contact and keep your dog calm until the other owner can remove their pet.


It’s important to seek professional medical help if another dog has bitten your dog. In the meantime, you can do a few things to help treat the wound and make your dog more comfortable. Clean the wound with warm water and soap, then apply a clean Band-Aid or gauze pad. You may also want to give your dog a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Watch the wound closely for signs of infection, and call your vet if you see any redness, swelling, or discharge.


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