
Best Natural Gas Patio Heater for All Year Comfort


Patio heaters are one of those great inventions that make it possible to enjoy your outdoor space all year round. No matter the weather, you can always find a comfortable spot on your patio with a good patio heater. There are many different types and models of patio heaters on the market, but if you’re looking for an eco-friendly option, a natural gas patio heater is the way to go. Natural gas is a clean-burning fuel source that is also very efficient. This blog post will look at the best natural gas patio heaters on the market. We’ll also provide a buyer’s guide to help you choose the suitable model for your needs.

What is a Patio Heater?

A patio heater is a device that emits infrared radiation, which is invisible to the naked eye. The infrared waves heat objects, such as people or patio furniture, in their paths. Patio heaters come in various shapes and sizes and can be powered by electricity, natural gas, or propane.

Patio heaters are a great way to extend the enjoyment of your outdoor space into the cooler months of the year. They provide warmth and light and can create a cozy atmosphere for entertaining friends and family. When choosing a patio heater, there are a few things to remember. First, consider the size of the area you want to heat. Second, think about how much power you need – electric models are typically less expensive to operate than gas-powered models, but they may not provide as much heat. Finally, decide where you want to place your patio heater. Some models are freestanding, while others must be mounted to a wall or ceiling.

Natural gas is the way to go if you’re looking for a patio heater that will give you all-year comfort. Natural gas patio heaters provide consistent, reliable heat and are relatively inexpensive to operate. Plus, natural gas is an environmentally-friendly fuel source. When shopping for a natural gas patio heater, look for one with an automatic shut-off feature – this will help prevent accidental fires if the unit is knocked over or left unattended.

Types of Patio Heaters

There are three main types of patio heaters: natural gas, propane, and electric. Each has its benefits and drawbacks that should be considered when choosing the best patio heater for your needs.


Natural gas patio heaters are a great choice for those who want a permanent installation. They run on natural gas piped into the home, so they do not require refilling like propane heaters. Natural gas is also generally cheaper than propane. However, natural gas heaters require professional installation, and if there is a power outage, they will not work.

Propane patio heaters are a good choice for portability and flexibility. Propane is stored in tanks, so these heaters can be moved around as needed. They also do not require professional installation like natural gas heaters. However, propane is more expensive than natural gas, and the tanks must be regularly refilled.

Electric patio heaters are a good choice for those who want an easy-to-use heater that does not require installation. Electric patio heaters simply plug into an outlet and can be used immediately, and they are very portable and can be moved around as needed. However, electric patio heaters are less powerful than other types and can be more expensive to operate over time.

Why Choose a Natural Gas Patio Heater?

A natural gas patio heater is the best way to enjoy your outdoor space all year round. Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. A natural gas patio heater is a clean and efficient way to heat your outdoor space. There are no emissions from a natural gas patio heater, so it’s good for the environment.
  2. A natural gas patio heater is very convenient. You don’t have to worry about storing wood or charcoal, and you don’t have to light a fire whenever you want to use it. Just turn it on and enjoy the warmth!
  3. A natural gas patio heater is very safe, and there is no risk of fire since the gas is completely contained within the heater.
  4. A natural gas patio heater is very affordable. The initial cost may be higher than other heaters, but you will save money on fuel costs over time.

The Best Natural Gas Patio Heaters

If you’re looking for a patio heater that will keep you comfortable all year long, then a natural gas patio heater is the way to go. They are environmentally friendly and cost-effective and provide a steady source of heat that won’t be interrupted by power outages.

When choosing the best natural gas patio heater, remember a few things:

  1. You’ll want to choose a durable and weather-resistant model.
  2. Consider how much heat you need and what control you want over the temperature.
  3. Think about any additional features that would be useful, such as an automatic shut-off or remote control.

How to Choose the Right Natural Gas Patio Heater for You

When choosing a natural gas patio heater, you need to consider several things to make sure you select the best one for your needs. Here are a few tips on how to choose the right natural gas patio heater for you:

  1. Consider the size of the area you want to heat. Natural gas patio heaters come in various sizes, so selecting one that is appropriate for the space you want to heat is important.
  2. Choose a model with an adjustable output. This will allow you to control the heat produced, which is ideal for temperature regulation.
  3. Select a unit that comes with a thermostat. This feature will help ensure that your patio heater operates at a consistent temperature, providing optimal comfort levels.
  4. Make sure the model you select is durable and weather-resistant. This will help extend the lifespan of your patio heater and ensure it can withstand any type of weather condition.


A patio heater is a great way to extend your enjoyment of the outdoors well into the cooler months. If you’re looking for a patio heater that runs on natural gas, we’ve covered you with our list of the best options on the market. We hope our reviews have helped you find the perfect patio heater for your needs and that you can now enjoy your outdoor space all year round!

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