Dog Yoga or Doga – Benefits, considerations, and more


Yoga is one of the best exercises to keep many ailments at bay. It rejuvenates your mind and body, and it also helps you to better your breathing techniques with strength exercises, stretching components, meditation practices, and much more. Know how to do yoga with your dog in this brief write-up.

It helps in alleviating anxiety and depression aside from issues related to addiction. However, in this article, we will focus on yoga, another name for Dog yoga. And what is the meaning of Doga? This is precisely what we will find out in the paragraphs that follow. So, read on for the details.

Dog doing yoga with the owner–What to consider 

Pet Yoga first started in the 2000s when dog owners took the initiative and started. The concept of Doga was introduced by Suzi Teitelman, a Jacksonville yoga teacher. Dog yoga uses poses or asanas that are dog-friendly and benefit both the pet and the owner.

What are the poses in Doga?


The poses in dog yoga comprise downward dog, forward fold, wheelbarrow pose, and crescent lunge, among other recognizable postures or asanas. The main aim of these asanas is to hold your dog’s attention for as long as it can attract. The sessions are for 30 minutes or lesser.

What do you use in dog yoga?

For pet yoga, you must be ready with chairs, blocks, mats, bands, balance balls, and traditionally used props. Treats help you to keep your pets convinced and motivated to learn the various poses. You will also come across many such poses that you will not be able to do along with your pet, and this is because your pet might find it difficult. So, while you are on your mat doing the yoga postures, your dog can do some stretches like Savasana in the meantime. Savasana is the so-called resting pose that is done for enjoying deep relaxation.

Doga can be carried out with just about anyone. However, there are a few aspects that you must consider before you take the plunge with your dog. Pay heed to the following.

Pay attention to how your dog is behaving.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is understanding how your dog is behaving with you. If your dog does not obey your commands and does not get along well with the other dogs, neighbors, or strangers, then it is advisable that you inculcate obedience in your dog before you can give commands to your dog about yoga. If you want your dog to do yoga, you must teach the basic commands first.

Give time for your pet to become a yoga dog.


If you are wondering how to start yoga with your dog? Do not jump to any conclusion about your pet. Initially, it might be pretty frustrating if your pet does not listen to your instructions. However, give some time to your dog for it to get accustomed to the new exercise regime.

What are the benefits of doing yoga with your dog?

Yoga is an ancient practice of the mind and body that involves movement. It is not just suitable for human beings but dogs as well. Doga’s popularity dates to more than twenty years. And of late, pet owners are making an effort to include other animals like smaller mammals, horses, goats, and cats. It is said that a dog is a man’s best friend.

If your dog remains healthy and hearty, and since you are around round the clock, you will be able to stay happy. Let us find out about the benefits of yoga when you do it with your dog.

  1. Improved physical health


If you invite your dog and teach him to understand when you signal and do yoga with me, it will not just get him into a habit of staying fit, but it will have improved health and lifespan. Yoga will also keep at bay several orthopedic issues that are encountered by owners and pets alike.

  1. Reduces stress


By doing yoga, you and your dog can also relieve stress and get respite from anxiety. It helps in calming pets and you.

  1. Social opportunities to intermingle


Incorporating socialization is still better if you can practice group yoga with your dog. This improves their confidence level among them; they will have the urge to interact and connect with pets of other owners.

  1. It is a fun activity


If the same old walk makes you and your dog bored, if you have run out of ideas, you can watch some videos on YouTube channel and learn from there. It is a means of entertaining your pet as well.

How to safely try out Doga?

If you are not very confident about doing Doga yourself, it is best to talk to the local yoga studios that also consider teaching your pets. But be prepared to face a few obstacles as most fitness and yoga studios will have rules for the pets, and this is because not everyone around in the studio is comfortable with animals around.

Alternatively, you can look for studios with separate divisions for pets and their owners, while individuals who come without their pets can do so separately.

Make sure that your pet does not become a nuisance to others. It will demotivate you and pose a hindrance to your dog’s interest in yoga.

Seek professional advice for the best results. However, just as human beings get checked by medical practitioners before starting a new exercise regime, it is equally important to get your pet checked before starting with Doga or Dog yoga to determine whether it is fit to take on the many yoga postures and poses.

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