Plant Myths about Watering Houseplants & Why They’re Dangerous


There are many stuff people probably read or heard about plants on the internet or from their friends and family. It could be advice on how to water plants, what to feed them, or how to look after them. However, most are disinformation and just arbitrary plant myths that start to believe. Thus, these myths need to be debunked at the earliest to ensure that no houseplants succumb to tragedy because of some unproven facts.

What are some plant myths about the right time to water houseplants?

People with houseplants often think about the best time to water plants in hot weather significantly. Different people have different ideas about the right time to water the plants in around such time. In that context, the best times to do that are early or late in the evening. These times are ideal primarily because the sun is at its lowest point, allowing water to reach the roots without evaporating. The reason for watering the plants in the morning or late evening is listed below.

In the morning

One needs to water the plants first in the morning to help them maintain their normal development cycle. Plants can absorb plenty of water at this time of day, and sufficient hydration helps them last the entire day. Watering before 10 a.m. is a good idea since it allows much water to permeate the garden. However, the main reason you shouldn’t water plants in the middle of the day is because it is considered the worst time to water plants.

Late afternoon

If someone wants to water their plants later in the day, they need to do it in the late afternoon when the sun isn’t as bright. This will aid the plants in absorbing water before dusk while having no negative impact on their growth. Moreover, watering the plants during this time prevents the water from evaporating. 

Now let’s debunk some common myths about watering houseplants

Myth: do houseplants have to be by a window constantly to get direct sunlight?

Fact: Some indoor plants demand direct sunshine, while others dislike it and get sunburned if exposed all day. 

Myth: Fertilizers are required for the growth of indoor plants

Fact: All plants need fresh water and sunlight to thrive. Despite fertilizers helping plants develop faster, the excess nutrients can build up in the soil, burn the roots, or cause leaf discoloration.

Myth: Indoor plants become inactive in winter

Fact: Most plants are native to hot, humid climates, where the air is dry and the days are colder in the winter. As a result, it’s nearly impossible for plants to duplicate the identical conditions that influence their growth, and such plant myths are misinterpreted as dormancy.

Myth: Watering houseplants constantly

Fact: The houseplants will suffer if people give them too much water, which makes pulling essential nutrients from the soil difficult for plants and causes root rot. One should also know how to check soil moisture in potted plants to ensure that they have no excess water in their roots. 

For example, the calathea moisture meter level must always be 50 percent or more. 

Myth: Plants required to be watered when they are wilting

Fact: Most plants show signs of withering when they are thirsty, but there could be another explanation too. However, in most cases, people may have overwatered their plants. In that context, Examining the soil to see if it is still damp is necessary to debunk these common watering myths.

What are some proven tips to keep the houseplants alive?

While the criteria for all indoor plants are mostly the same, they will vary slightly based on the environment in which they live. Here are some effective strategies for keeping houseplants alive:

1. Choosing the right pot

Drainage is critical for a plant’s survival. A hole in the bottom of the pot is ideal so that excess water can flow out of the soil. If no such gap exists, all excess water is contained in the mud. This is frequently more water than is required to keep a plant alive and will result in the plant drown

2. Striking a balance

Watering plants can be tricky, especially for someone new to the hobby. If they give the plants too much water, they will drown; similarly, too little water will cause the same. One must strike a delicate balance between these practices to keep the plants happy and healthy. While some plants thrive in moist soil, most thrive when the soil is allowed to soak up water between waterings.

3. Perfect amount of lighting

While each plant has its requirements concerning shade versus sun, no plant can grow in complete darkness, and it will not thrive if people put it in the closet or back into a dark corner.

4. Choosing the right time in the day to water the plants

does watering the sun burns plants is a question that worries many people who have houseplants. As mentioned above, the early morning or late afternoon is the ideal time to water the houseplants to maintain good health. 

5. Using good-quality soils

If someone is repotting their houseplant from its original container into a larger pot, they will need to consider the type of potting soil to use. Simply scooping dirt from the backyard isn’t enough, and they must purchase a bag of potting soil instead. These mixes frequently include additional nutrients or fertilizers to keep the houseplant strong and healthy.

Keeping houseplants alive is an acquired art; there’s no reason someone new can’t pick it up. However, plenty of plant myths may prevent a person from taking the utmost care of their plants. So, it is crucial they people must meticulously research each aspect of caring for a houseplant before buying one. It is a highly dedicated job, and the plants will require significant love and attention to remain healthy. 

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