If you add a little greenery to your house, it helps you lift your mood and improve your mental well-being.

Studies have proved time, and again that indoor houseplants add warmth to your haven, help you to focus better, are a great way for motor skill development for your children, purify the air, remove toxic substances from the rooms, and make you calmer and soothes your senses. So, with so many benefits to enjoy, you surely must invest in a few good indoor houseplants right away.

They are available at the market and if you do not have the time to physically visit the nursery, try your luck online.

By doing so, you will be able to compare the stock and price online between different nurseries that offer exquisite and elegant plants. In this write-up, let us find out how you can shop virtually for these plants.

Best places to buy your indoor houseplants

These are the options that you can check out.

  • The Sill

The main objective of this site is to promote the idea of “plant parenthood.” This is an ideal place to shop if you have just started in the gardening arena. The best part is that the portal guarantees you on certain products even for a year. Starting from smaller plants to huge ones, your options are endless.


  • The selection of plants is great
  • There are pet-friendly plants
  • The plant matching quiz makes it easier for owners, especially first-timers.


  • Amazon 

This is perhaps the best place to buy plants online. Plants can be found that are priced as low as $2. However, you might have to replant it since the soil gets messy in some orders.

  • Options are budget-friendly
  • As far as outdoor plants are concerned, the selection is limitless.

  • Urban Stems

Plants like Bird’s nest fern can be found in this portal. They offer free next-day shipping. Although the price is a little higher, starting from $30 and above, the containers they are shipped in are commendable and worthy.

  • Potholders are beautiful and unique
  • A wide range of modern plants are available
  • Bloomscape

They pack the plants exquisitely and more securely. There are cardboard inserts, and make sure the pot and matching tray does not move. A coco fiber mat and Spanish moss layer hold the soil in place.

  • Tools are cool, and so are the accessories
  • Great as low maintenance plants
  • Etsy 

A wide number of nurseries sell their stuff through Etsy, and it is a reliable and well-known portal for selling unique and a variety of plants. The package you receive might have damp soil depending on the variety you choose.

  • Options are endless
  • Great if you are a starter in gardening

Apart from the above, there are many other portals that you can try out. However, you must keep in mind that the fragile plants might get damaged in transit, so select your plants accordingly, and you might also buy a few of the delicate plants from physical stores if you wish to.

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