
4 Unlucky Plants At Home Which Bring Bad Luck

There are many plants that we think bring us good luck, but there are some which bring bad luck. In this article, we will look at some of the unlucky plants you should avoid keeping in your home.

Unlucky plants at home

If you’re looking to avoid bad luck, you might want to steer clear of these plants. From blackthorn to rhododendron, some unlucky plants are said to bring misfortune to those who have them in their homes.

Blackthorn: This dark-colored plant is associated with death and misfortune. It’s said that if you bring blackthorn into your home, someone in your family will soon die.


Rhododendron: This beautiful plant is often found in gardens, but it’s considered unlucky in many cultures. In some belief systems, rhododendron is thought to be a gateway for evil spirits.


Broom: Broom is another plant associated with death and bad luck. It’s often used in witchcraft and black magic, so it’s best to stay away from this one if you don’t want any negative energy in your home.


Thistle: The thistle is known as a symbol of hatred and envy. It’s said that having this plant in your home will invite negativity and misfortune.


How to get rid of unlucky plants

Having an unlucky plant in your home can bring bad luck, but there are ways to get rid of them. If you have a black walnut tree on your property, remove it. Black walnut trees are considered very unlucky and can cause all sorts of problems, including financial ones. If you have a cactus, get rid of it. Cacti are known for being unlucky and can cause all sorts of negative energy in your home. Finally, if you have any ivy growing on your property, get rid of it. Ivy is considered very unlucky and can cause all sorts of problems, including health ones.

How to avoid unlucky plants

There are a few plants that are considered unlucky and are said to bring bad luck if they’re kept in the home. Here’s a list of those plants and how to avoid them:

  1. Bamboo is considered unlucky because it’s associated with death and misfortune. To avoid this, don’t keep bamboo in your home or workplace.
  2. Cactus – Cacti are also associated with death and misfortune. They’re said to bring bad luck, so it’s best to avoid them.
  3. Chrysanthemums – Chrysanthemums are often associated with funerals and death. They’re said to bring bad luck, so it’s best to avoid them at home.
  4. Dragon Tree – The dragon tree is an unlucky plant because it’s associated with dragons, which are considered evil creatures. To avoid this, don’t keep a dragon tree in your home.
  5. Ferns – Ferns are often associated with bad luck because they’re said to be the favorite food of fairies. Fairies are said to be mischievous creatures that can cause trouble for humans. To avoid this, don’t keep f


There are a lot of plants that are considered to be unlucky, but the ones on this list are some of the most commonly cited. If you have any of these plants in your home, you may want to consider getting rid of them — after all, it’s better to be safe than sorry!


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